
How To Create A Testng Class In Eclipse

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Manul wickrmanayaka

Getting started with TestNG

TestNG is an automation testing framework for the Java programming language in which NG stands for "Next Generation". TestNG is inspired from JUnit which uses the annotations (@). TestNG overcomes the disadvantages of JUnit and is designed to make end-to-end testing easy.

Since Selenium does not have itself a reporting functionality TestNG makes test creation, execution, reporting more efficient and you can easily come to know how many test cases are passed, failed, and skipped. You can execute the failed test cases separately.

Its much easier to add TestNG plugin in Eclipse plugin.
So lets get started…

1.Adding TestNG plugin in Eclipse

Select help tab, go to Eclipse Marketplace and search for TestNG for Eclipse. You will see the plugin and just install it.

2.Adding Dependencies

Create a maven project and lets name it as "SeleniumTestNG".
Since we are going to create a maven project lets get selenium and other JAR files from the maven dependencies.

First copy the selenium dependency and set it in the pom.xml file.

                          https              :              //              <              dependency              >              <              groupId              >              org              .              seleniumhq              .              selenium              <              /groupId              >                            <              artifactId              >              selenium              -              java              <              /artifactId              >                            <              version              >              3.141              .              59              <              /version              >                            <              /dependency              >                                    

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Copy the TestNG dependency and set it in the pom.xml file.

                          https              :              //              <!              -              https              :              // →              <              dependency              >              <              groupId              >              org              .              testng              <              /groupId              >                            <              artifactId              >              testng              <              /artifactId              >                            <              version              >              7.4              .              0              <              /version              >                            <              scope              >              test              <              /scope              >                            <              /dependency              >                                    

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As well as set the WebDriver maven dependency for make our test simple.

                          https              :              //              <              dependency              >              <              groupId              >              io              .              github              .              bonigarcia              <              /groupId              >                            <              artifactId              >              webdrivermanager              <              /artifactId              >                            <              version              >              4.4              .              3              <              /version              >                            <              /dependency              >                                    

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3.TestNG annotations

Before begin our test lets have look at the TestNG annotations that we are going to use in here.

@BeforeTest - The annotated method will be run before any test method belonging to the classes inside the tag is run.

@test  - Marks a class or a method as part of the test.

@AfterTest - The annotated method will be run after all the test methods belonging to the classes inside the tag have run.

4.Create the TestNG class

First create a class named "TestNG_Demo". You do not need to write main() method in a TestNG class to run it as TestNG takes care of that by defining annotations. You just need to provide proper annotations to methods and rest TestNG will execute them in a manner by implicit call to main method of TestNG class.

First for a simple test lets take a code that validate the title of a page.

                          public              static              void              main              (              String              []              args              )              {              WebDriverManager              .              chromedriver              ().              setup              ();              WebDriver              driver              =              new              ChromeDriver              ();              driver              .              manage              ().              window              ().              maximize              ();              driver              .              get              (              "                  "              );              String              expectedTitleikman              =              "     - Electronics, Cars, Property and Jobs in Sri Lanka              "              ;              String              actualTitle              =              driver              .              getTitle              ();              if              (              actualTitle              .              contentEquals              (              expectedTitleikman              ))              {              System              .              out              .              println              (              "              Test Passed              "              );              }              else              {              System              .              out              .              println              (              "              Test Failed              "              );              }              driver              .              close              ();              }                      

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This code explains how to get the title from the "" and validate with the actual title. Since this is written in a main method this should be run on a Java class.

You can see we have mentioned the actual URL and we have used if statement to decide whether its really the actual title or not.

Lets write the same code in a TestNG class.

                          import              org              .              openqa              .              selenium              .              WebDriver              ;              import              org              .              openqa              .              selenium              .              chrome              .              ChromeDriver              ;              import              org              .              testng              .              Assert              ;              import              org              .              testng              .              annotations              .              AfterTest              ;              import              org              .              testng              .              annotations              .              BeforeTest              ;              import              org              .              testng              .              annotations              .              Test              ;              import              io              .              github              .              bonigarcia              .              wdm              .              WebDriverManager              ;              public              class              TestNG_Demo              {              String              expectedTitleikman              =              "     - Electronics, Cars,        Property and Jobs in Sri Lanka              "              ;              private              static              WebDriver              driver              =              null              ;              @              BeforeTest              public              void              setup              ()              {              WebDriverManager              .              chromedriver              ().              setup              ();              driver              =              new              ChromeDriver              ();              }              @              Test              public              void              test              ()              {              driver              .              manage              ().              window              ().              maximize              ();              driver              .              get              (              "                  "              );              String              actualTitle              =              driver              .              getTitle              ();              Assert              .              assertEquals              (              actualTitle              ,              expectedTitleikman              );              }              @              AfterTest              public              void              tearDownTest              ()              {              driver              .              close              ();              }              }                      

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In this code you can see we have used @test , @BeforeTest, @AfterTest annotations to separate the code. As this test, first its run the @BeforeTest and run the actual @test . Then comes the tearDown method.

And you cannot notice a if statement here because we have use the assertion to compare both actualTitle and the expectedTitle by importing the Assert class from TestNG.

                          import              org              .              testng              .              Assert              ;                      

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5.TestNG test-output

After running above TestNG Class we can see the actions performing and after a refresh a Results folder is creating as "test-output".

Alt Text

As you can see it has generated different kind of reports as output. Leta have a look at a one of them.

Alt Text

It has shown us a clear report of our results by grouping into different categories. In here since my test is passing it does not show any failed tests but if some exist this will show them and time taken to execute that test case and so on.

For your reference find my GitHub project here


How To Create A Testng Class In Eclipse


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